vMedia is a powerful tool that enables law firms to automate and leverage the document management part of the collections process.
Tightly integrated with both Collection-Master and Q-LawE, vMedia allows you to scan, search, and view stored media.
Powerful, intelligent
and affordable.
Archive documents virtually and replace traditional filing cabinets

Set up any number of databases to meet any additional custom needs

Send to vMedia
Store any type of media that’s supported by Windows with drag and drop (with manual or automatic filing options)
Print to vMedia
Virtual printer compatible with any Windows application, converts paper docs into an electronic file
File to vMedia
Mail merge feature supporting Word Perfect and MS Word which provides archiving of outbound documents
Spectrum Exporter/Importer
Leverages SQL based systems. Acquires and exports media in bulk and is configurable and automatable.
- Scans a folder structure for documents with user-set parameters and imports them using index information contained in the file name and folder structure and any custom expressions to user defined destination file location and name.
- Copy, move, or transform files
- Zone OCR (Optical Character Recognition) – a pre-defined location that automatically scans the media’s information (i.e. account numbers; names; document descriptions; etc.) and will file it in vMedia
SQL Server (strongly recommended)
vMedia has SQL User Access to allow firms to connect to a SQL Server using one or more SQL Server user accounts rather than using Windows accounts – providing superior security.
Ready to learn more about vMedia?
Index and search all your documents in a centralized, easy to use, SQL server.