March 2024

- Isaac’s Essentials Reciprocity for the Win
- Product Story Client Stories: Gates
- Women’s Month 2024 Roots – Water - Growth
- Events & Happenings Mastermind Training / Conference News
- ICYMI Catch up on the Latest at VT
- Spotlight Wesley Tejada
- Software Tips Collection-Master
- Software Tips Q-Law/Q-LawE
- Software Tips vMedia
- Software Tips vExchange Analytics
- vTrivia Enter to Win
Isaac’s Essentials
Reciprocity for the Win
Every business owner has unique goals and needs, but we all have a commonality among us – we buy software products and services that are fundamental to keeping things running smoothly and driving revenue.
As a Vertican client, what you may not realize is that you are paying for way more than a product or a service. You are paying for thousands upon thousands of development hours and continuous enhancements. You are paying for more than 500 years of combined subject matter expertise. You are paying for the massively robust automation of our industry’s leading architects. You are paying for tons of resources to help your firm optimize its product usage, save on collections costs, and scale your business forward. You are paying for trust and partnership.
Yet with all that stuff, no technology runs itself – though ours does come close!
Efficiency and profitability have more to do with how you use the products than the products themselves.
Imagine a smartphone with the highest level of security features, but the user sets a weak password and rarely updates the operating system. Despite its robust technology, the user’s complacency opens the door to potential security threats. This scenario emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility as the product user, staying informed about updates, and being proactive about protecting your interests and information.
Here’s a less techy example. Think about a top-of-the-line car with advanced safety features, but the driver neglects regular maintenance like checking brakes, oil, and tires. Despite the car’s cost and sophistication, the owner’s failure to responsibly support it through proper upkeep compromises its performance and safety.
Simply put, all of us need to take an active role in maintaining and understanding the things we invest in and rely on. When we encounter a software issue, we have a tendency to call or complain. I get it; it may feel like picking up the phone is the path to least resistance. But problem determination and resolutions are achieved when clients and our client success team work together. Our incident submission process, on vPortal and Vertican Support Access (VSA) in Collection-Master and Q-LawE, is specially designed to first gather the proper information to identify and drill down on issues so that we can swiftly resolve them. Going outside of that process by calling or emailing only slows everyone down and stalls efficiency.
My team built and maintains the Vertican Help Center, continually updates documentation, offers live Mastermind sessions, produces Mastermind Express tutorials, sends frequent communications, publishes an informative newsletter (hey, you are here now, so well done!), and the list goes on… so that we can make life easier for you.
So, avoid being caught in unnecessary predicaments by being as proactive as possible and reciprocating our efforts. Ensure your software is up to date and read the latest release notes to utilize enhancements that will optimize your user experience. Keep in mind that when we communicate a product update, action is usually required on your part. It’s critical for your technology to follow our instructions so that you get the most out of your software and avoid problems.
Familiarizing yourself with Vertican’s system requirements before you (or your IT vendor) actually need them, accessing our video library, using your support tickets, investing in additional training and professional services are among the gateways to being an empowered software user.
I’ve personally seen panic derive from unread crucial updates and assumptions from industry chatter. We’ve had clients come close to making costly business decisions without verifying their assumptions with Vertican.
There is a real cost to uninformed decisions. Why settle for off-the-rack solutions, outside vendors, and Google forums when you can have tailor-made service and support? Just as one of our core values promises, Vertican’s always got your back.
We are all constantly evolving, and yes, sometimes it’s a lot to keep up with. John Currey, Collection-Master Product Owner, often quips, “If you knew everything that Collection-Master could do, your head would explode!”
Yet we are not slowing down. Vertican has even more exciting stuff in the works. We currently have a team dedicated to building a new predictable pricing, savings, and rewards program called Vertican Important Partner (vIP). We’re also working on the expansion of our professional and consulting services offerings. These are both really big deals!
Vertican exists to improve peoples’ lives. Our brand promise of data with integrity and our core values drive us to continue to build revolutionary products and services. We have a long track record of delivering and defining efficiency in the legal recoveries process – four decades to be specific. Though it’s not about our longevity, it’s about how we will not relent on improving standards and processes for the future to minimize your costs to collect.
So, help us help you avoid the pitfalls of misinformation by staying connected and aligned. Our John Currey-described, head-exploding VT software has everything you need to scale your business if you meet us halfway, tap into our resources, and partner together. After all, isn’t your time and business too valuable for outdated software and missed communications?
And for anyone who needs to hear this … don’t forget to check your oil.
Product Story
Client Stories: Gates
You may be under the impression that Gates only reject data. Actually, Gates don’t have to reject any data; you can use them to manage data, monitor events, and avoid manual work. Let’s explore how!
Limited Time Offer!
For a limited time only, Senders can get a FREE 1-hour consultation on Gates and Analytics with product owners Maryann McBrinn and Ben Cavallaro, Esq. Book by August 31 for any time throughout Q2.
1. Gates Protect Senders from Compliance Risk
One of the largest debt buyers in the U.S. has implemented a set of custom gates, some of which were the inspiration for Universal Gates. Here are a couple examples.
- Universal Gate 4005 notifies the Sender if a suit code is reported on an account with an expired statute of limitation (SOL).
- Universal Gate 4003 notifies the Sender if a call is attempted on a Cease & Desist or Do Not Call account.
Monitoring events and notifying you is one of the key benefits of Gates. Without Gates, you would either have to manually sift through data in Excel or create an offline tool.
2. Gates Filter Data Automatically vs Manually
Our next story involves a national debt buyer based on the West Coast. Of the hundreds of vExchange codes, they only wanted specific codes that aligned with their Sender-driven compliance requirements.
- Previously, they would export the data from vExchange to Excel and filter the codes manually.
- Then they would import the data back into their system of record, which is Q-Law.
- Now they have controls in place with Universal Gate 2008 (Invalid Activity/Status Code) to automatically filter the vExchange codes coming from Receivers.
As a result, the Sender can focus on managing underlying issues rather than slicing and dicing data in a spreadsheet.
3. Gates Stop Record Updates from Triggering Sender Events
A national consumer finance company wanted to stop vExchange record updates from triggering events on their side.
- The Sender received blank records whenever the place of employment (POE) was removed from a Collection-Master file.
- The blank record would trigger a proprietary event notification in the Sender’s system, and they spent time trying to figure out why there was an event with no data.
Now this Sender uses Universal Gate 2009 (Updated/Blank POE Information Received from Firms) to block blank POE records, stop Sender notifications from occurring, and take the strain off their legal managers.
4. Gates Save Time Managing Financials
A large Midwest debt buyer recently implemented a set of custom financial gates.
- Before implementing these gates, the Sender had at least two staff working full-time to manage their financials.
- They would manually perform the gate checks offline to make sure the data met the requirements of the firm manual.
- After implementing these gates, staff time went from 80+ hours per week to about 2 hours per week.
Essentially, the Sender outsourced their effort to vExchange and freed up their FTEs for value-added work.
5. How Do Gates Benefit Receivers?
Receivers have to comply with multiple requirements from multiple clients. Things get even more complicated when Receivers and Senders are managing data in a mixed offline/online process. How do you keep it all straight?
Gates give firms confidence that they are in compliance with multiple Senders’ rules in a single platform. The firm will grow in efficiency and capacity to increase placements.
What’s more, firms may not know how well their staff are complying with client requirements. It’s difficult to monitor all the rules for all the Senders merely using spreadsheets. And if those compliance violations involve regulatory fines, those Gates will protect Receivers.
vExchange has more data and record types than YGC, and more information for the Sender to better evaluate data. With more data comes complexity and risk. As your portfolio grows, you need to make use of tools to automate monitoring, so issues are resolved as quickly as possible.
Actions For Senders!
Submit feedback on vExchange / Analytics
Check out Universal Gates in vStore
Request access to the Mastermind session on Universal Gates for Senders (Sept 2023)
Provide Maryann and Ben feedback on current features and what you would like to see in the future. We’d also love to discuss your business needs, pain points, and how your team can leverage vExchange/Analytics to meet your business goals.
Women’s History Month 2024
Roots – Water – Growth | Maryann McBrinn, vExchange Product Owner
As I’ve grown in life, one thing that I have learned is the importance of reflection and prioritizing it. Taking the time to breathe, slow down, and objectively evaluate myself periodically, has been critical to making sure I actively choose the direction my life’s trajectory is taking and not just sit along quietly for the ride. In the spirit of reflection, I took some time this month to consider what Women’s History Month means to me both on my personal and professional journey.
Late 2019, I joined Vertican Technologies as a Business Analyst to help support their newest product that was launched – vExchange. Almost immediately, I started to absorb the knowledge my coworkers shared with me and was invigorated by the work I was doing. It was challenging, it was fast paced, and dare I say – it was fun! I truly love putting together the plethora of pieces of a data mosaic, especially when insights come to light and true solutions can be found. The culture of the organization was rooted in the people I was surrounded by every day. The energy of the office was infectious and the relationships I built with my colleagues at Vertican were monumental to my professional growth. I wasn’t afraid to ask questions, insert myself into solving a problem, and was vocal about solutions I thought the team should consider.
Now, all of this sounds pretty great, but this was a vast difference from where I stood a few months earlier. You see, in the six months before I joined Vertican, my personal and professional lives had splintered. Frankly, I was burning the candle on both ends between work, motherhood, and home without any reprieve in sight. While I very much enjoyed the work I was doing in my previous role, the environment became increasingly toxic, management was unsupportive, and the team I was a part of had severe staff reductions while our work (and the pressure) continued to swell. In May of 2019 I had just given birth to my second daughter, and regrettably had to return to the office when she was only six weeks old. This was a decision that I was never okay with, but I was left with very little choice, as not returning meant walking away from my job completely. At that time, this was a decision I just was not ready to make. My entire life I had always followed the rules and followed the roadmap that my parents laid out for me. Quitting? That’s what other people may do, but nope, not me. “You’ve got this Maryann. You can handle it.”, I would tell myself as I roused my then two year old and newborn at 5:30 am to get to daycare and to then drive 2+ hours round trip to the office each day.
At home, I was barely able to keep up with being a single mom, and all that comes along with raising my two daughters: dishes, laundry, dinner, daycare drop-offs and pickups, and the occasional play date. Every day, I felt like I was drowning, and it was becoming hard to just remember to breathe. To try to cope, I played catch up every weekend on both fronts – catching up on quality time with my daughters, finishing up work projects that were dangerously approaching their deadline, and doing multiple loads of laundry; but despite my efforts I never seemed to be able to squeeze 30 hours out of a 24-hour day. Of course, this meant I had zero time to rest and recharge and by August of 2019 I had reached my breaking point. I knew that I could no longer keep going at this pace (I was barely treading water) and something had to give. The only clear answer I saw was choosing me and my daughters. I knew I needed to prioritize my well-being, because without that, I couldn’t be the mother that my daughters deserved, or that I wanted to be. So, after much support from my family and friends, I decided to take some time to reset, heal, and redirect.
Although I was away from work for only a couple of months, I like to think of it is as the continuation of the maternity leave that I should have taken. I spent this time soaking up snuggles, giggles, and lots of firsts with my youngest daughter and making lots of pretend meals with my older daughter in her play kitchen. In the mornings, I poured myself into fitness and nutrition – physically moving my body was a well-needed outlet for me. My afternoons consisted of scouring the internet and my network for job opportunities while I daydreamed about what I wanted my future to look like. Before I knew it, my schedule was bustling with phone calls, job interviews, and eventually multiple offers for me to consider. On the eve of my 29th birthday, I had made my decision – I was going to take the opportunity to work for a private software company all whilst combating my fear of driving and adding a long commute back into my daily life.
What was different in October of 2019 was me – my mindset, my demeanor, my confidence, and the strong desire I had to see the life I daydreamed about come to fruition. To get there, I knew I had to work hard, trust my gut, and continue to put being a mother and an example to my daughters at the forefront. I was hyper-focused on setting a strong foundation for our little family and planting solid roots that would eventually yield flowers. While I was challenged in my new role, trusting myself enough to share my ideas led to more opportunities for me to share my thoughts with a broader audience. Suddenly, I began to realize the positive impact of the relationships I was making and my hard work.
In the past, I was cautious of change and transition, but my time at Vertican has taught me that while change is hard, it is inevitable. And, if you approach change with the right mindset, ask questions when you need clarity, and continue to voice your opinion, change can truly be great. While I may not have realized it at the time, I was naturally emerging as a leader among my peers and soon after, I had my own team to lead. A few years later, I had the opportunity to transition into running the product I first learned about in my early days at Vertican, vExchange. In this role, I have had the opportunity to learn from so many amazing people and add to my skill set as the needs of the product ebb and flow through technology, relationship building, mentoring, being mentored, marketing, accounting, business development – just to name a few.
Trusting in myself and working hard was paying off. I felt like I could finally breathe again. I wasn’t drowning; in fact, I was thriving. This carried over to my personal life as well; as the foundation I built for my daughters and I grew stronger, I was more present with them daily which meant more laughs, more snuggles, and lots more smiles. Often, my daughters play “office” where they set up their own desks with my spare keyboards and mice and they pretend to have zoom meetings and plan out a new product or demonstration of their own (with lots of pretend coffee of course!). During this time, I also met my now husband and almost instantly fell in love with him and over time we built our own foundation together. His support, unwavering commitment, and candid advice has been pivotal in my professional journey as well. While I laid the foundation of creating strong roots, I am blessed to have two strong men in my life, my father and my husband, that continue to support me, encourage me, and inspire me.
Throughout my career at Vertican I have continually received support from our leadership team to invest in the development of my leadership skills, the cultivation of relationships within our industry, and my overall professional growth. For the past two years I have attended the Women in Consumer Finance Conference (WCF). A fabulous event where I got to really take the couple days each year to invest in myself and network with accomplished women in the Consumer Finance industry. This conference also serves as a time of reflection for me as the entire community of WCF is inspiring, uplifting, positive, and truly challenges us to be the best leaders we can be all while challenging us women to shift our perspective from saying “I am lucky” to “I deserve” when we speak of our accomplishments. This notion was different for me when first introduced to me last year, as I commonly would say to myself similar things like “I’m so lucky” or “I’m so blessed”; when my mindset should instead be “I worked hard for this” and “I deserve this”. We also talked about the power of networking and the importance of having a Sponsor and a Mentor. As I continue to mature in my career, I realize how important it is to network, grow my influence with others, and have sponsor(s) that will vouch for my work and continue to uplift me in rooms and conversations that I am not a part of.
WCF also gave me ample opportunities to network with new women and catch up with those I met last year. I attended a networking group about balancing motherhood and career growth and was able to have a great conversation with several accomplished women about how they balance being a Mother while striving for greatness and growth in their careers. It was helpful to hear how others handle the household responsibilities of being a parent and the responsibilities of being a leader and prioritizing our professional growth. One thing I took away is to outsource household tasks where I can, such as hiring a household cleaning service or getting groceries delivered to help free up the limited time we have as professionals and as Mothers. I also shared with these women that my older daughter Max was having a particularly difficult time with me being away and it is natural for our children to miss us while we are gone. I am most proud of being an example to both of my daughters that success comes from hard work, that good things come from work, and that balancing my family and work responsibilities doesn’t always swing exactly equal but rather ebbs and flows. Sometimes I do need to work nights or weekends to support my team when time-sensitive things come up. Other times, I can step away for part of the day and pick them up from school or be a mystery reader while still completing my work duties.
Being a daughter, wife, and mother hold some of the most meaningful and pivotal memories in my life. What’s common in all of these roles, for me, is the importance of family and receiving the proper care needed for me to grow from a child into a happy and thriving woman. The most significant moments in my life have been rooted in me being at the center of one of these roles. In life, we all have challenges to overcome, moments that make us think, and opportunities where one choice can have a ripple effect on our futures. When the winds of life come, and they do from time to time, I have found that the following combination has been a winner for me – build your strong foundation, surround yourself with those that will water you, and see the growth yield.
Events & Happenings
The Vertican team kicked off 2024 in fabulous Las Vegas for the 2024 RMAi Conference. Isaac Goldman, CEO, Kent McCammon, Chief Financial Officer, Diego Hernandez, Chief Product Owner, Nicholas Arcaro, SVP of Business Development, and Maryann McBrinn, vExchange Product Owner had a fantastic time connecting with industry friends and partners!
Big thanks to everyone who attended the Tailgate Event, for games and giveaways!
It’s important to keep our dialogue going so that Vertican can help you achieve your business goals. If we didn’t have the chance to connect, or if you’d like to continue our conversation, we encourage you to schedule a time to talk.

The Mastermind Series, an ongoing program of virtual training sessions presented by Vertican’s top developers and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), has been well underway! Are you missing out?
Topics are developed to help improve clients’ ability to use our platform features and tools effectively and maximize efficiency. So, take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to learn directly from industry trailblazers and Vertican’s visionary developers.
- How to Use the How-Tos in the Vertican Help Center to Solve your Business Problems | Watch the recording here
- Robust Workflows in Q-LawE with Vertican File & Serve (VTFS) | Watch the recording here

We’ve recently introduced a new addition to our Mastermind Series! Mastermind Express videos are quick tutorials right from our Subject Matter Experts. These short-form tutorials are like video software tips.
Do you have a topic in mind for a future tutorial? We want to hear about it. Please send us an email with your suggestion.
Joe Cross, vExchange Analytics Deputy Product Owner, discusses the Saved Searches feature in Analytics, which lets you save customized searches, share searches (with permission), and generate export files.
- Saved Searches in Analytics | Watch the recording here
- vMedia Converting Hanna to Spectrum Importer | Watch the recording here
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
📢 New Bookmarkable Help Center Links!
You can now Bookmark Help Center pages by using special links. After logging in to vPortal, go to the Bookmarkable Links page, which you can also bookmark.
📢 Keeping your Vertican software up to date is critical to your user experience and especially your business. Are you getting the latest software release notices and other informative communications from our team?
If you are not on our mailing list or have unsubscribed from our email notices, please click here to be in the know and ensure you hear about all the latest software features and relevant industry happenings!
Welcome to the section of the Newsletter where we share an inside look at some of Vertican’s amazing team members. This month, we’re shining the spotlight on Wesley Tejada, Vertican’s IT Associate!
What is your title and when did you begin working at VT? My title is IT associate and I’ve been working with Vertican since February 2022.
What sort of work did you do before having joined Vertican? I’ve done IT for other companies, but before that I worked as a Starbucks barista.
What do you like most about working for Vertican? Vertican has provided great flexibility, and I appreciate the people-focused philosophy.
If you could learn anything new, what would it be? Lockpicking! I’ve always been interested in picking up the skill.
What (else) do you like to do outside of work? I enjoy playing tennis, guitar, and staying in with a movie or book.
Do you have a favorite movie, artist and/or book?
Movie: Robocop, Primer, The Thing
TV: Seinfeld, Twin Peaks, Eastbound & Down
Musical or Other Artists: Duster, Slint, Pavement
Book or Author: David Foster Wallace, Bret Easton Ellis, Kurt Vonnegut
Please share a favorite quote. “Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly.” – Aristotle
Software Tip
EDI Preserve
Prevent Bad Data from Overwriting Good Data
EDI data preservation is a feature within Collection-Master that filters the data that goes into your claims upon importing maintenance files from your clients. You can use EDI Preserve to prevent fields from being updated with data that is incorrect or unhelpful. Your existing field data will be preserved and incoming data will be pushed into the Paperless notes. This lets you better manage the data in your claims while still getting new information from your client.
For example, your clients can often send outdated contact information such as debtor addresses and phone numbers that have already been confirmed as incorrect. If you have good information in your system, EDI Preserve can prevent older, bad data from coming in and overwriting it.
Activating & Deactivating EDI Preserve
Activating this feature is simple! No policies are necessary! The only thing required is a PRESERVE_EDITYPE.TXT file (created with any text editor) IN the F:\CLSINC\CUSTOM folder.
You can find the EDI Type in the forwarder’s Forwarder file screen. (In the examples below, the EDI Type is SFGAG, so the file name will read as PRESERVE_SFGAG.TXT).
NOTE: If you are using TRAK2 as your EDI Type, the Preserve feature is using the EDI Type of TRAK. Name the file as PRESERVE_TRAK.TXT. Otherwise, the Preserve feature will not work for this client.
Tips for the Text File
When creating the text file, you must use the table name and field name. There are three labels that you can include: [DEBTOR], [MASTER], or [INFINITY], from which you can specify that data be preserved.
Other quick tips to note when making a TXT file:
- Placing an * (asterisk) under a particular section identifies that ALL fields in that table should be preserved.
(CAUTION: If you put an asterisk under MASTER, depending on the EDI, it may cause issues on imported DPs, adjustments, etc. because it will not change financial fields such as Balance, etc.)- This is a Preserve File to preserve All [Debtor] fields and nothing else.
Click to view larger image
Fields are not case sensitive, but INFINITY fields require the leading asterisk *.
If the specified field is populated, data will go to the notes.
If data is being populated for the first time, data goes into the fields.
You can also set up “Preserve” Paperless Note codes *Master, *DebtorX (where X is debtor number), or *Inf in [1-7-1] with a Diary Code to indicate the data was not imported and should be reviewed. Each field that is not updated (preserved) will show in the Paperless notes under these codes.
See below for an example of a TXT file to preserve specified [Debtor] fields.
Click to view larger image
And below, an example of a TXT file to preserve ALL [Debtor] fields and specified [Infinity] fields.
Behavior of the Preserve Feature
When the DEBTOR, MASTER, or INFINITY information is updated via a maintenance import, the EDI Preserve feature is expected to behave in these ways:
- New claims are unaffected by the Preserve Data feature. Any new claims will import and populate the appropriate fields regardless of your “Preserve” settings.
- If the EXISTING DESTINATION DATA IS BLANK, EDI Preserve will update the destination with the new data.
- If the EXISTING DESTINATION IS NOT BLANK, and IS listed in the appropriate PRESERVE_EDITYPE.TXT file, write the new data to Paperless notes instead.
- If the EXISTING DESTINATION IS BLANK and NOT listed in the appropriate PRESERVE_EDITYPE.TXT file, update the destination with the new data. (Old data is only preserved in CHANGES.)
The EDI Preserve feature does not work with Related Party fields such as MASTER.EMP_NO. There are other policies that govern overwriting of Related Parties, which can be found in the Collection-Master EDI Help Manual > click the Search button, enter “EDI Preserve” in the Search bar > select the page titled “Preserve Data for EDI Imports.”
Cool Tricks
If you add “notes_only.” in front of the field, all imported values/data for that field will go Paperless notes, whether or not the field is populated. One exception to this, however, is that new claims are unaffected by Notes_Only.
More Information
If you would like to learn more about the EDI Preserve feature, please navigate to the Collection-Master EDI Help Manual > click the Search button, enter “EDI Preserve” in the Search bar > select the page titled “Preserve Data for EDI Imports.”
Software Tip
Using IFTASK variable in DDAS
The IFTASK function can be used to determine the following:
- whether a task code exists on an account,
- whether a task code on an account is active and still needs to be completed, and
- whether a completed task code was passed or rejected.
Whether a task code exists on an account
DDAS has the capability to add a task code to an account using the Tasks tab, which is found on the Main Work screen of an account. When adding a task code on the Tasks tab via DDAS, using the IFTASK function at the end of the Condition will ensure that the task code you wish to add is not already on the account.
Whether a task code on an account is active and still needs to be completed
In the following example, ‘ANSWER’ is the Task Code ID and the closing parameter indicates whether the task was done or not. Here the DDAS looks to see whether the ANSWER task code is currently on the account waiting to be completed or has been completed already.
Whether a completed task code was passed or rejected
Here, in this example, the Task Code ID is ‘ANSWER’ and the added parameters are looking for the task code to:
- be on the account (‘F’) and
- be incomplete (‘F’).
Click to view larger image
Whether a completed task code was passed or rejected
Here, in the next example, the Task Code ID is still ‘ANSWER’ and the added parameters are looking for the task code to:
- be on the account (‘T’) and
- be rejected (‘R’).
Click to view larger image
More on IFTASK and DDAS
To learn more about using the IFTASK variable in DDAS, go to the Q-LawE Documentation page in the Help Center. There are documents on DDAS Basics, DDAS Advanced, and DDAS Functions.
Software Tip
Switch from Hanna to Spectrum Importer
Hanna is a legacy importer for dBase database file (.dbf) users. Spectrum Importer is more robust and feature rich.
Benefits of Spectrum over Hanna
When you switch from Hanna in vMedia 2.9.1 to Spectrum Importer in vMedia 3.2.9, you’ll experience these benefits, while maintaining the ability to store multiple profiles.
Directions for Switching from Hanna to Spectrum
To switch to Spectrum, follow these directions. If you need further assistance, contact Client Success.
- Set up a SQL Server with assistance from your IT resource.
- Configure vMedia to run with a SQL Database.
- While in 2.9.1, connect to SQL Server.
- Convert your Hanna profile to a Spectrum profile.
- Confirm Hanna still works before opening Spectrum.
- Convert to vMedia 3.2.9 or later. Refer to the vMedia Release Notes page on the Help Center.
- Test your Spectrum importer.
Hanna to Spectrum Resources
Another Benefit of Being on SQL Server
If you are a Collection-Master client, being on SQL Server will also allow your firm to take advantage of the Attorney Meaningful Review (AMR) feature. Refer to the AMR Mastermind video and presentation for more information.
Software Tip
Saved Searches
Watch our new Mastermind Express video tutorial on Saved Searches in Analytics. This feature can significantly cut the time you spend defining search parameters and will even save the order and visibility of columns in your results.
As a reminder, we’ve made the following enhancements to the Saved Searches feature, as mentioned in our February 29 Hawk release email.
Saved Searches will now remember the items per page (e.g. 50 or 100 items per page) that you have selected.
The Saved Search breadcrumb now clearly states the type of search it was: “Company” or “Shared.”
Shared Saved Searches now display the name of the firm who shared the search rather than the Firm ID.
vTrivia Contest
December 2023 Winners
Congratulations to the winners!
Lynne Lawson – Stokes Carmichael & Ernst LLP
Kelly Warren – PRA Group
Paul Lambert – R. Crabtree, APC, Attorneys
They were randomly selected for having answered the following questions correctly:
1. When planning for a smooth transition of an operating system to an unsupported environment, making changes to part of an IT infrastructure, or just keeping up with general best practices, which of the following does Vertican NOT recommend?
B. Crossing your fingers and hoping for the best
2. True or False: While firms should regularly backup their data, the data in SQL-Sync and vExchange can aid firms in data recovery.
D. There are no optional charges if a firm wants VTFS customization.
Winners had the choice of one of these prizes:
Congratulations again to our three winners!
March 2024 Contest
Can you answer our vConnect quiz?
Three winners will be chosen at random from everyone correctly answering all five vTrivia questions based on this issue’s various articles. Contest ends May 31, 2024, at 5 p.m. (ET). Good luck!
March vTrivia Prizes Up for Grabs

Tabletop Fire Pit with Portable S’mores Kit
OZATO Tabletop Fire Pit is durable, with a solid steel base and tempered glass panes. It is easy to assemble with no install tools required. Just add the fuel and light it up for an instant fire.

Stanley 40 oz. Quencher
Whichever way your day flows, the H2.0 FlowState tumbler keeps you refreshed with fewer refills. Double wall vacuum insulation means drinks stay cold, iced or hot for hours.

3-in-1 Wireless Charging Mouse Pad
The Hands 3 Split Max is a mouse pad charger hybrid, that can be used as a mouse pad alone, and to charge multiple electronic Qi devices.
vConnect will be following a quarterly publication schedule. We’ll see you soon!