July / August 2023

- Isaac’s Essentials The Power of Agility While Staying True to Our Roots
- Press Release Rebranding Announcement
- Product Story The Power of Q-LawE Job Scheduler
- Lessons From an SME Why vExchange is Better than YGC
- Events & Happenings Mastermind Training / Conference News
- ICYMI Catch up on the Latest at VT
- Spotlight Vertican Team
- Software Tips Collection-Master
- Software Tips Q-Law/Q-LawE
- Software Tip vMedia
- Software Tips vExchange Analytics
- vTrivia Enter to Win
Isaac’s Essentials
The Power of Agility While Staying True to Our Roots
The legal collections circle is a small but powerful one. Almost everyone knows each other. I can’t walk more than 20 paces at a conference without engaging in a handshake and a quick conversation with longtime clients and industry friends. It’s awesome to be a part of this system that carries a great responsibility to improve our economy’s health and consumers’ lives. As a technological leader in this network of organizations, I recognize that longevity and relevance go hand-in-hand. When I reflect on Vertican’s remarkable four-decade journey, it’s clear that while change has been a constant companion, our unwavering commitment to our core values has been the compass in guiding our success.
Yes, innovating with change and remaining true to our core values have been the driving forces behind our ability to scale … but it hasn’t been easy. Drawing inspiration from Jim Collins’ book, Turning the Flywheel, I’m reminded about the significance of momentum and the cyclical nature of growth. Just as a flywheel gains momentum over time, Vertican has adapted, evolved, and developed revolutionary solutions while remaining firmly grounded in our principles.
Embracing the Shifting Course of Change
In the early 2000’s, Vertican resisted allowing our clients to use credit cards. We were a smaller company without subscriptions and deposited most of our revenue on the first of January each year. All of our agreements were printed on real paper, and we walked to the bank to make real deposits. About eight years ago, Vertican implemented an about-face policy that required clients to use credit cards for transactions on vPortal. At the time, this decision was the right one as it aligned with market trends and, of course, convenience. Before we could even make that move, we had to change our internal practices to work as a subscription provider.
Change is hard, but necessary for long term sustainability. So, we changed.
Now here we are talking about moving away from credit cards again. This does NOT mean that requiring credit cards in the vPortal in 2015 was the wrong decision. There is no need for an “I told you so.” In business, as in life, things change. Changing with, and in some cases ahead of the environment, is what keeps us relevant. So, you will start to see us making a strategic pivot to use ACH as a more efficient alternative.
In a small way, doesn’t that exemplify the nature of business where change is inevitable? Like a boat adjusting its course to navigate winds and changing tides, Vertican remains agile by adapting to evolving technologies, industry regulations, and client needs. By continuously assessing the industry and delivering more dynamic and effective solutions, we are ensuring that we stay ahead of the curve.
Our commitment to agility also extends to our client-centric approach. We actively listen to our clients’ needs and concerns, seeking actionable feedback and implementing changes that enhance their experience. By remaining responsive and flexible, we can proactively address the demands of our clients’ clients and the industry.
Cyclical Nature of Business
The fashion industry offers a relatable analogy to understand the cyclical nature of business trends. Just as fashion trends come and go, only to resurface years later, business practices and strategies also experience cycles. By identifying these cycles, we can navigate those changing tides and ensure Vertican remains agile with a positive impact on the industry. To stay agile in the legal collections industry, we must foster a culture of robust innovation as well adaptation – and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
At Vertican, I encourage my team to think outside the box, collaborate on new ideas, and continuously work to enhance our products and processes. We remain in touch with emerging technologies and industry regulations so that we can make informed, strategic decisions in our mission to support data with integrity. And by doing so we help strengthen our clients’ ability to leverage that data with integrity while lowering their costs to collect.
Vertican’s Rebranding: Another Symbol of Innovation
In line with our commitment to innovation and modernization, I am thrilled to announce Vertican’s rebranding initiative. This timely and strategic move not only reflects our ability to adapt but also reinforces our dedication to evolving in an ever-fluctuating world. Our new look represents VT’s forward-thinking brand image and steadfastness and relevance in a dynamic industry, while staying true to the Vertican way.
As we celebrate teamwork and success spanning more than 40 years, we recognize the importance of vision and resilience. Our ability to pivot and embrace change, while staying grounded in our core values, has allowed Vertican to thrive. Just as a flywheel gains momentum and a boat navigates changing tides, our company has continued to innovate, maintaining pace with evolving technologies and client needs. We look forward to the future with optimism and excitement, confident that our commitment to our core values and agile growth will continue to propel our clients and us to new heights.
Press Release
Vertican Technologies Announces Corporate Rebranding and Newly Designed Website Coming Soon
As part of the rebranding initiative, Vertican has revamped its product logos to streamline their look and create a cohesive visual identity across all its offerings. The company’s new logos, which will be introduced across all its products in the coming weeks, reflect its commitment to innovation, modernization, and staying ahead of industry trends.
“We are thrilled to unveil our new corporate branding and website redesign,” said Isaac Goldman, Chief Executive Officer. “This is a pivotal step forward for our company as we continue to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of our valued clients and industry. Vertican’s rebranding is indicative of our dedication to providing cutting-edge solutions and an enhanced user experience.”
Vertican has been serving the legal collections arena for three generations, maintaining continuous ownership and a reputation for innovation and distinction. The rebranding and website redesign demonstrate the company’s commitment to staying current in a dynamic business landscape and delivering exceptional products and services.
Vertican has been revolutionizing the transmission and standardization of data used to protect creditors’ rights and the systems used to enforce those rights. The company’s long history in the receivables technology space has positioned them in leading the mission to advance the industry standard to a more unified height. The Vertican family of products, including its recently acquired interest in Greentree Legal (GTL), produces the most powerful and innovative technology in the legal collections industry.
Stay tuned for the official launch of the new website, which promises to be visually engaging, user-friendly, and loaded with valuable resources for clients.
Product Story
The Power of Q-LawE Job Scheduler
Your Daily Life
Imagine you had to monitor every email as it came in to your Gmail account. Or you had to sit in front of your computer to watch each update to your Facebook or TikTok feed. You’d think that was silly. Instead, your apps run in the background even if they are not open, and you decide when to interact with them. You might have your computer deliver daily stock prices. Your phone automatically checks the weather.
Your Work Life
Now imagine that instead of interacting with Q-LawE to push buttons, run reports, and move data, you let it do tasks in the background. Like stock prices, you could tell Q-LawE to automatically execute tasks and deliver the results to you – not one task, but 100 tasks. Welcome to Job Scheduler.
In a Nutshell
Think of Job Scheduler as a user but one that does much more than a single human can do. Unlike a human user, it can execute multiple tasks at the same time, while sending you an email when the job is completed and logging its activity.
Bottom Line
Focus your staff on value-added tasks rather than the routine tasks that take up 80% of operations. Increase your firm’s capacity to take on additional business. Even saving 10 hours a week of your staff’s time would pay for multiple Job Scheduler licenses. We have clients that saved 40 full-time staff by implementing Job Scheduler.
What is “Multi-Threading”?
A single computer can typically run one process at a time. Job Scheduler allows you to place a job into different threads, using the same computer to run multiple jobs independently and simultaneously.
The best example is one of our large clients who had a backlog of 180,000 records to process. By dividing the job into six separate processes (threads) on a single machine, the backlog was caught up in six hours and has never been behind since.
Kinds of Jobs
Job Scheduler can handle over 100 types of jobs. The examples below come from our clients.
Multi-State Legal Pleadings: One of our clients uses a Job Scheduler machine for each of the 22 states in which they operate. Each Job Scheduler machine processes legal pleadings for that day, including suit filing, judgment, garnishment, and lien, which are made ready for attorneys to review in Attorney Meaningful Review (AMR) when they arrive each morning. Previously, the firm was behind and could not process all the business they had. Job Scheduler has saved them in excess of 100 people. Once the suit is filed or there is a judgment or garnishment, Job Scheduler can also upload copies of all the media to be sent to the creditor. And it can interface with courts.
New Claims Imports: One of our firms uses a new feature that allow simultaneous imports. If you are importing 500 new claims and you wait at the computer for 20 seconds per claim, you could instead run the imports before staff arrive in the morning and load them in the system ready for the next step like AMR or a bankruptcy scrub.
Vendor Data: Use Job Scheduler to automate the sending and receiving of data to and from vendors to perform a bankruptcy scrub, military scrub, or filing. Job Scheduler includes an integrated secure FTP functionality so you can upload and download data automatically.
Media Imports: Job Scheduler has a document batch importer to take care of all the media you receive with new claims, associating it with the proper account.
Microsoft Word MailMerge: Unlike all other Job Scheduler jobs, MailMerge is a single thread on a PC, and requires a separate Job Scheduler for each state.
The Benefit of Scheduling
It’s not just that Job Scheduler can run multiple jobs. Because Job Scheduler runs 24/7, that means you can run those jobs at optimal times. Claim imports can slow your system so if you run resource-intensive jobs at non-peak hours, your system will perform more smoothly during normal business hours.
Job Scheduler also allows you to set up recurring processes at various intervals: every 5 minutes, hourly, weekly, or every second Thursday of the month.
Job Scheduler uses Windows Task Scheduler functions to start Q-LawE in Job Scheduler mode. You may need an IT resource to set up Windows Task Scheduler and to set up any Job Scheduler machines. Other than that, Job Scheduler can be configured and monitored without IT resources. A power user is sufficient. If there is an error, Job Scheduler will restart, capture the error, and send an email notification to the designated resource.
Here’s an estimate of the Job Scheduler licenses you would need based on your machine’s memory and the number of threads you run on that machine.
Next Steps
If you’ve read this far, we’d like to suggest that you purchase a 1-hour consulting block to discuss how Job Scheduler can address your firm’s specific operations. You’ll also receive an estimate of the number of Job Scheduler licenses you need to do the work.
- Go to Professional Services on vPortal and purchase 1 hour.
- The price of consulting is $199 per hour through the end of July.
- Beginning August 1, consulting is $399 per hour.
- Contact Client Success to schedule your consultation.
- Select “Other” as the Description of issue.
- In the detailed description field, put “Schedule Job Scheduler consultation that we purchased.”
- Your request will not be billed as a support incident.
We recently hosted a Mastermind Session about the robust, game-changing functionality of Job Scheduler. If you were unable to join us or need a refresher, click here to watch the video.

Contributed by Kurt Sund
Chief Innovation Officer & Product Owner – Q-LawE
Lessons From an SME
Why vExchange is Better than YGC
The YouveGotClaims data standard (YGC) has been in place for 30 years, and people, of course, have become comfortable. For the YGC datalink, it’s easy to forget its limitations and the fact that the technology was based on Internet Explorer, which became obsolete a decade ago! We kept the YGC datalink running until Internet Explorer was retired. vExchange was designed with the benefit of 30 years of YGC experience. But you may still have the impression that YGC was “easier.”
Let’s look at four examples that show why vExchange is better than YGC.
Easier Setup & Automatic Updates
The YGC Data Standard requires manual effort that vExchange doesn’t require. Remember setting up the YGC matrix?
- In YGC, each Receiver is responsible not only for translating their P-Codes to *CC: codes, but also for associating each P-Code to one of the various Action Codes that will trigger the correct YGC record.
- YGC relies on the firm to remember to set up the YGC matrix and to accurately associate every P-Code with an Action Code. If the firm forgets or does it incorrectly, information will not be sent.
With CMvX, setup is simplified and mostly automatic.
- Each Receiver is responsible for translating their P-Codes to *Vx: Codes, but they are not responsible for Action Codes.
- vExchange generates the right records. For example, the creation of Record 245 (bank) is automatic.
- Information that is updated in Collection-Master will be sent to vExchange without extra effort or set up by the firm. For example, bank updates will be carried through to every affected claim.
To see details about this example, see the Case Study.
Click to View Case Study: YGC Data Standard vs vExchange
With the YGC Data Standard, the firm has to set up the YGC Matrix to send YGC Record 35 in certain situations. With vExchange, YGC Record 35 is created automatically through the YGC Business Adapter. Let’s look at a case study showing how this works in detail.
YGC Matrix
- The Firm has to set up the YGC Matrix to send YGC Record 35 in the following situations:
- When a CM P-Code of *Bank1 or *BAcc# is encountered (regardless of EDI Code).
- When one of the following EDI Codes is encountered: *CC:I102, *CC:L128, *CC:L302, *CC:L307, *CC:L328, *CC:L372, *CC:L373, *CC:L379, *CC:L383, *CC:P107, *CC:W122.
- Note: No bank information is sent if the firm forgets to set up its matrix!
Below you can see how a claim is set up in the YGC matrix. This claim has two P-Codes, which the firm has to set up with a corresponding code to trigger YGC Record 35. Otherwise the YGC record will not be sent.
- In Collection-Master, a Receiver updates their claim and assigns bank #50.
- A bank account # is not yet assigned to the claim.
- CMvX sees that a bank has been assigned to the case and creates a Record 245.
- vExchange imports the information to vExchange Record 2115.
- The YGC Business Adapter will convert vExchange Record 2115 and create a YGC Record 35.
- Later, the claim is updated with a bank account #. Once again, Records 245/2115/35 are generated automatically.
- Bonus: if the bank information in bank #50 is changed (e.g. a new bank telephone number), CMvX will update every affected claim, and all claims with bank #50 will have their vExchange data updated.
vExchange Changes Report
From within a claim, you can go to Claim Information and CMvX Matrix to pull up the report displayed below. The report shows columns for the Old Value and the Current Value for the BANK_NO and ACCT_NO. Making these updates creates a CMvX Record 245 and vEX Record 2115 (Record 35 in the YGC Business Adapter). vExchange generates the right records automatically so the firm does not have to set up Action Codes to create Record 245/2115/35.
Just a Conduit vs Data with Integrity
YGC was built as a conduit with few rules. It is common for a firm to report different information to YGC than was entered into Collection-Master. Firms can alter the data being sent, without correcting the underlying system of record. They can also filter the data to selectively share only what they want. Data integrity is left up to each member.
With YGC, you may have had the illusion of more ‘control’ but being able to send selective or bad data means “Garbage-In” / “Garbage-Out.” Just because the garbage is hidden, doesn’t mean it’s not there.
vExchange does not allow Receivers to filter or select the information they wish to share. The platform is built on the basis of “all claims,” which not only means all the Forwarders but, much more importantly, all of the information within a claim. vExchange was designed with “Data with Integrity” in mind. It starts with all of the information being reported. Data is not omitted just because it’s convenient. vExchange ensures you don’t send incorrect or incomplete data. For example, YGC will accept 11-digit zip codes. vExchange does not.
Inventory Problems
If you read my article in the May / June issue of vConnect, you’ll recall that Phantom claims are those for which vExchange has a 2001 record with no match on the 4 keys of a 1001 record.
Oblivious vs Aware
vExchange lets you know about inventory and other problems. All Vertican business adapters require that the inventory exactly matches the claims’ keys.
- Both YGC and vExchange rely on the “Four Keys”: Agent_ID, Forwarder_ID, Sender_int_File, and Cred_File.
- Both YGC and vExchange will reject Phantom claims for existing vExchange Forwarders; however, vExchange tells you about it; the YGC datalink did not.
- The YGC datalink had hidden problems that firms were unaware of and which were unaddressed. Ignorance is not bliss. It’s not that vExchange has more problems. It’s that you are now made aware of them so you can fix them.
No Fix vs Self Healing
The YGC datalink provided no awareness of mismatched claims, whereas vExchange enforces matching keys, makes you aware of mismatches, and has self-healing solutions embedded in the application.
CMvX is smart enough to leverage “Trigger Resend Records (R196)”, “Change Key (R197),” and “Reset Cache (R198)” to automatically heal inventory problems.
- When a firm updates its claim with the proper Four Keys, the system will end up performing a “Reset Cache (R198)” and onboarding the claim.
- vExchange will recognize “Mismatched” claims where the Four Keys sent by the agent do not match an existing placement by a vExchange Forwarder.
- When a firm updates an existing Phantom claim on vExchange, a Change Key (R197) will be automatically performed, healing the inventory.
- vExchange can work with a Sender and create custom “Change Key (R197)” and “Reset Cache (R198)” records to prompt CMvX to onboard the missing claims!
Gates – Exceptions, Rejections & Remediation
vExchange adds the concept of Gates, a custom set of rules for a Sender that sets requirements for their Receivers. These Gates create Exceptions and Rejections based on specific data requirements. Exceptions are reports that identify problems, and rejections actually prevent incomplete or inaccurate information from being delivered. Very early into the Gates process, we realized that a Gate is useless unless there is a way to remediate the issue. Part of the Gate rules includes the necessary actions to remediate the record and allow the information to be delivered.
As it pertains to Gates, the client might want to create an Exception report of claims where a valid bank has been assigned and a bank garnishment has not been filed. The Gate would check to ensure that the claim is eligible for a bank garnishment and that there are no recent payments, etc. The Exception would have remediation criteria so that entries would be removed from the report once they were fixed.
For Forwarders
vExchange Gates are a game changer since rejections prevent the wrong data from being delivered and exceptions highlight potential problems for review. On the YGC datalink, whatever the firm sent is what you got and the Forwarder could not see all the data that the firm had. In vExchange, data integrity is enforced with visibility to all parties.
For Receivers
Since the YGC datalink allowed you to send whatever you wanted with no reconciliation, vExchange seems to require more effort: you need to monitor reports and remediate rejections. vExchange is actually helping you give your Forwarders what they want. Over time, vExchange helps you learn how to avoid mistakes. Remember: ignorance is not bliss.
When we talk about data visibility, the real difference between the YGC datalink and vExchange is “all the claims”. YGC analytics only showed what you reported. If you didn’t set up your matrix correctly and completely, the reports didn’t show the right data. It couldn’t provide a complete or reliable source of analytics.
vExchange, however, was designed to include all the data, not only for your firm but for other firms. This allows you to benchmark your performance against your peers, as well as see patterns in your own data.
The YGC datalink relied on Senders and Receivers to manage their inventory. YGC did little to enforce compliance, nor did it provide a mechanism for Exceptions, Rejections, and Remediation. Senders and Receivers needed to create their own solutions outside of the product. With the YGC data standard, it is common for a Receiver to resend the same information over and over again if a matrix is configured incorrectly.
vExchange was designed with the benefit of 30 years of YGC experience. We found that relying on each firm and Sender to set up their system accurately was unrealistic and that a lot of information in the system was missing, inaccurate, or even misleading due to errors in the YGC matrix.

Contributed by Luis Gomez
Chief Strategy Officer
Events & Happenings
The Mastermind Series, an ongoing program of virtual training sessions presented by Vertican’s top developers and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), has been well underway! Are you missing out?
Topics are developed to help improve clients’ ability to use our platform features and tools effectively and maximize efficiency. So, take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to learn directly from industry trailblazers and Vertican’s visionary developers.
- Q-LawE Media Management | Coming Soon!
The Latest Conference News
Isaac Goldman, CEO, Nicholas Arcaro, SVP of Business Development, and Diego Hernandez, Chief Product Owner, are heading to Monterey, California for the RMAi Executive Summit!
We are proud to be corporate sponsors of the golf outing and looking forward to connecting with industry counterparts and friends.
Keep an eye out for more information.
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
📢 Keeping your Vertican software up to date is critical to your user experience and especially your business. Are you getting the latest software release notices and other informative communications from our team?
If you are not on our mailing list or have unsubscribed from our email notices, please click here to be in the know and ensure you hear about all the latest software features and relevant industry happenings!
📢 Do you have 5 minutes to answer 4 short questions? Vertican wants to gather feedback from every single client. Would you take a few minutes to help Vertican improve your satisfaction?
Hint: Specific, actionable feedback really helps
If you’d rather give feedback verbally– instead of, or in addition to – the survey, book a short meeting.
📢 Have you missed out on any of our recent Masterminds? Below are some suggestions.
- The Power of Job Scheduler “Automation” in Q-LawE | Watch the video recording!
- What’s New in vExchange and vExchange Analytics for Senders | Watch the video recording!
- What’s New in vExchange and vExchange Analytics for Receivers | Watch the video recording!
Find more information and past session recordings at the Vertican Mastermind page! (Hint: scroll to the bottom of the page!) Mastermind attendance is free but registration is required. The calendar is continuously updated so check back often!
Do you have a topic in mind for a future training session? We want to hear about it. Please send us an email with your suggestion.
Welcome to the section of the Newsletter where we share an inside look at some of Vertican’s amazing team members. This month, we’re learning more about Melanie Bloom and her love for traveling!
What is your title and when did you begin working at Vertican? I work on the Client Success team and started in April of 2022.
What sort of work did you do before joining Vertican? I have worked in client support and account management for several distribution industries, mainly food grade products and alcoholic beverages for the last nine years before coming to VT.
What is a typical day at Vertican like for you? My days with VT vary greatly! For the most part I work on responding to clients and providing them with the best support I can and communicate with my team to get our work completed.
What do you like most about working for Vertican? I love that everyone I have spoken to here is always willing to help if I have questions, no matter what time or day.
If you could learn anything new, what would it be? I would love to be fluent in another language. I have minimal Spanish and Japanese skills (I can ask for directions, order food, and get to the restroom) but I could definitely improve.
What was your very first job and how old were you? I worked at Walmart at 16, watering plants in the garden center.
Word on the street is you love to travel? Tell us about it and how that began. I always wanted to travel growing up, so I try to do it as much as possible. My favorite place I’ve traveled to so far is Tokyo. I have been there twice. The food there is amazing, and there is always something fun happening. In the future I would like to go to Europe. Some of my husband’s family are from London and I would love to see the places he went to as a kid.
What is something about you that may surprise your colleagues? I have over ten tattoos. It doesn’t come up often when working remotely.
What (else) do you like to do outside of work? I enjoy hiking, walks, cooking, and nerdy stuff like video games and reading. I love going to concerts. I also love thrift shopping and cool vintage antiques.
Share something exciting you did in the last 12 months. I got married to my partner of 8 years. We eloped and went on a honeymoon in Hawaii.
What are your favorite…?
Movie: Spirited Away | TV: The X-Files | Musical or Other Artists: K-Pop, pop punk, and 80s classics are my favorite genres | Book or Author: Brandon Sanderson currently. I love fantasy books.
Please share a favorite quote. “Doing your best looks different every day. Be patient with yourself.”
Software Tip
Sending Weekly & Monthly Balance Updates to Clients
This is a new Collection-Master feature that was announced on June 9. This feature gives you the ability to send weekly and monthly balance updates to your clients on vExchange through the CMvX adapter.
To enable this feature, navigate to the Forwarder File [1-2-1-1]. Once in the Forwarder File, navigate to screen 6, CMvX setup:
Click to view larger image
The following new fields control the balance updates:
- CMvX Bal Last: The last date the CMvX Record 271 was created.
- CMvX Bal Freq: How often you want the balance update to send: ‘W’ for weekly and ‘M’ for monthly.
- CMvX Bal DOW: If weekly is your preference, select the desired day of the week (DOW).
- M – Monday
- T – Tuesday
- W – Wednesday
- TH – Thursday
- F – Friday
- SA – Saturday
- S – Sunday
- CMvX Bal DOM: If monthly is your preference, enter the day of the month (DOM) to send the balance update; for example, 01-31.
Once set up, these balance records will send through the normal daily CMvX export performed in [4-2-1-V-3].
Software Tip
Populating Court Details when Importing the Court Code to the dlegal.ctcalcode Data Field
There is a program that can be called by DDAS to update Court information on accounts. When importing files or data into the dlegal.ctcalcode data field in the bridge table, this procedure will update the dlegal information on the account with the corresponding court information.
To use this program, populate the “Run a custom program when DDAS triggers” field on the Notes & Misc Tab of the DDAS with ddascourtassign in mmproc.
Click to view larger image
When you import the Court Code via case placement or vendor import, the DDAS will be triggered. DDAS will then run the program after the import and populate the remaining court information into the legal screen, such as Court Name, City, State, County, Division, etc.
Software Tip
Configuration: Tab Name Editor
Benefits of this Feature:
- Let’s say your database has too many fields that display on a single page. Use this feature to de-clutter your view.
- Or let’s say you would like to group fields into similar topics and only see fields by these groupings. Or you frequently only need to view certain fields. Use this feature to assign fields to separate tabs on the View screen.
- From the main menu, select the DB Config icon.
Click to view larger image
- After you select the database you would like to configure, the vMedia Configuration Editor window opens.
- Click on the Index Field Editor button.
Click to view larger image
- Within the Index Field Editor window, the left side shows the Index Fields for your database (table). These Index fields can be assigned to separate tabs for easier viewing within the View screen.
- Click the Tab Names button.
Click to view larger image
- A pop-up window for Tabs #1-9 will display.
- You can give the different tabs (pages) a name of your choice, but this is not required.
- Enter up to 9 tab names. If a name is not provided, it will display as Page x where x is the tab number.
- Named tabs are part of the database configuration only for that database.
- Whether or not you choose to assign tab names, click the OK button when you are done.
- Click the OK button in the Index Field Editor window.Click to view larger image
- Now you will assign individual fields to a particular tab (page) by selecting the field from the Index Field list and choosing a Tab # on which the field will display.
- In the screenshot below, we have chosen to put the OPENDATE field onto Tab #2. To choose another Tab number, just toggle using the up/down arrows.
- Continue to select which fields are displayed on which tabs.
- When you are done, go back to the main vMedia menu, click the View icon, and open the database you have just configured. Now you’ll see your Index Fields displayed on the tabs you have chosen.
- In the example below, you placed the Open Date field onto Tab #2. Since you did not give your tabs names, the tabs are called Page 1, Page 2, and Page 3.
Click to view larger image
You can also find this information in the vMedia Help Manual > Setup > Database Configuration > Configuration: Tab Name Editor.
Note: vMedia 3.2.x is a Development (Dev) Release. Release notes and instructions for installing this version are found at the Vertican Help Center > Self-Help Resources > vMedia Help > Release Notes.
Software Tip
Triaging Rejections
There are three types of rejections available in Analytics:
- File Rejections occur when a file is not formatted correctly or contains incomplete data. In this case, the entire file will not be processed and all records contained in the file must be resent.
- Record Rejections happen when a record within a file is missing data or is improperly formatted. Only the affected record is rejected unless it is a placement, in which case subsequent records for that claim will also be rejected. Affected records must be resent in a new file.
- Gates Rejections are a result of one or more records failing a gate rule defined by a Sender (e.g. placements must be acknowledged within x days). When a record fails a gate rule, a rejection or exception is created. Exceptions are simply warnings and the record data will be delivered. Rejections are hard errors that block record data from being delivered onward. Rejections and exceptions can be remediated through a variety of means defined by the Sender. Once a rejection is remediated, the associated record data will automatically be delivered.
File Rejections
File Rejections can be found in the “File Rejections” report.
Click to view larger image
- Click on General Reports > File Rejections in the left menu. A list of all file rejections will be shown with the most recent at the top.
- Click on any row to see the specific cause of the file being rejected.
Click to view larger image
- Once the error has been corrected in the file or a new file has been generated, resubmit it through your normal vExchange process.
Record Rejections
Record Rejections can be found in the “Record Rejections” report.
Click to view larger image
- Click on General Reports > Record Rejections in the left menu.
- Pick a Rejection Start and End Date to search for rejections/exceptions that first occurred within a specific date range.
- Click the Apply Filter button.
- Results will be displayed in the table.
Gates Rejections
Gates Rejections can be found in the “All Rejections/Exceptions” report. This report is only visible to firms that work with Senders who subscribe to Gate Rules. Senders can contact Vertican Business Development to learn more about Gate Rules and how they can help streamline your data transfers.
Click to view larger image
- Click on Gate Reports > Tools > List of All Rejections/Exceptions in the left menu.
- Pick a Rejection Start and End Date to search for rejections/exceptions that first occurred within a specific date range.
- Pick an optional Remediation Start and End Date to search for rejections/exceptions that were remediated within a specific date range.
- Select one or more optional rule numbers from the dropdown menu to search for rejections/exceptions associated with that rule. Note that inactive rules are available and clearly flagged.
- Enter one or more optional Sender/Receiver names/IDs to narrrow the account search.
- Senders will see a list of Receivers and vice versa.
- Receivers have the additional option to narrow the search by Subforwarder ID after selecting the Sender.
- By default, only unremediated items are displayed. You can change the radio button selection to Show Remediated, Show Unremediated, or Show All.
- Click the Apply Filter button.
- Results will be displayed in the table.
- To visualize your search results, select the Widget panel. Select any of the available widgets from the dropdown menu.
vTrivia Contest
May / June 2023 Winners
Congratulations to the winners!
Farzan Mihanzadeh – Javitch Block LLC.
Joel Grand – Grand & Grand
Cynthia Crandell – Smith Debnam
They were randomly selected for having answered the following questions correctly:
1. According to Isaac’s Essentials, why is Vertican shifting to longer release cycles?
2. You can have any number of vMedia databases associated with an Entry Name and there is no practical limit to how many Entry Names you can create in vMedia. True or False?
3. According to our vExchange Software Tip this month, to visualize your search results, which panel should you select?
4. To accommodate the set up of multiple client users in Q-LawE, what process did Vertican make?
Winners had the choice of one of these prizes:
Congratulations again to our three winners!
July / August 2023 Contest
Can you answer our vConnect quiz?
Three winners will be chosen at random from everyone correctly answering all four vTrivia questions based on this issue’s various articles. Complete the answer form below and good luck! Contest ends August 31, 2023, at 5 p.m. (ET).
December vTrivia Prizes Up for Grabs

CANWAY Double Sleeping Bag
Two person lightweight, waterproof sleeping bag with two pillows for camping, backpacking, or hiking.

JBL Clip Bluetooth Speaker
Waterproof and durable, portable speaker, includes noise-cancelling speakerphone and wireless streaming.

Hamilton Beach Electric Indoor Grill
Double cooking zones: two cooking areas with independent, adjustable heat and a center grease channel with drip tray underneath.
📢 vConnect will be continuing a bi-monthly publication schedule. We’ll see you in September!