Vertican Announces Collaboration with EZ Messenger for Q-LawE Platform
For Immediate Release
May 17, 2021
Fairfield, NJ – Vertican Technologies, a global leader in the debt collection software industry, announced today a collaboration with Executive Process, LLC dba EZ Messenger to integrate its EZ Venue platform into the Q-LawE software line.
Q-Law has been a leading software solution designed to help with many aspects of practice management for law firms focused on the debt collection industry. As the leading software provider to the sector, Vertican recently released Q-LawE, a full-featured solution that integrates even more of the tasks required by law firms to file and manage cases.
EZ Venue was developed to simplify the time-consuming and costly process of locating and selecting the proper jurisdiction or court venue for filing cases.
EZ Venue was initially developed by EZ Messenger in 2012 for a client in Texas, where venue identification can be unclear and time-consuming. Since that time, EZ Venue has grown to encompass more than 35 states and is the gold standard in venue identification.
With the integration of EZ Venue into the Q-LawE platform, law firms can now vastly reduce the time spent finding and verifying the correct venue to file suit in as it will be an integral part of the Q-LawE case production process.
EZ Venue provides the ability to tailor court mapping for clients who need to customize the venue’s results for their cases directly into the Q-LawE process. EZ Venue can also provide custom venue mapping that will exclude certain courts and even indicate whether to file up to a county or district court in place of a justice court, all as defined by the user.
Kurt Sund, Q-LawE Product Owner and Chief Innovation Officer, says, “We are thrilled about our collaboration with EZ Messenger and the addition of EZ Venue to our platform. The integration of this technology to Q-LawE will save clients a substantial amount of time and cost.”
Michael Shapiro, CEO of EZ Messenger, put it this way; “We are not only excited to partner with one of the largest providers of software to our client base, but we also anticipate the opportunity to further partner on new technologies in the near future.”
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