Vertican Technologies Unveils New Streaming Service – VTtv PLUSplus

FAIRFIELD, N.J. – April 1, 2021. Vertican Technologies, Inc. officially unveils its new streaming service, VTtv PLUSplus, today, announcing that the service will be available at no additional cost for Vertican’s Total Plan clients beginning April 1, before launching nationally on June 31.

Vertican will be moving all its existing videos, The Mastermind Series, The vSquare Recordings, and all recordings of Town Halls, as well as Basic and Fundamental training, from Vimeo to VTtv PLUSplus.

In addition to these programs, VTtv PLUSplus with feature new and original program starting with Q-LawE-I-E-I-O, a program for kids who want to learn more about the ARM industry. Children will thrill as Farmer Kurt teaches them to use the Workflow Automation Designer so as not to be dependent on their parents to build them a complex database system that logs and manages all their activities. It’s Christmas in April!

And Vertican hasn’t forgotten about its more mature clients as the platform will feature an adult-only series, Collection-Master and Servant. No details can be given at press time, but this part of the service will require a safety word, as well as a password.

The new service is just one of several big streaming launches in the past year and can be viewed on all streaming devices, Smart TVs, or an over-clocked speak and spell.

If you’re interested in becoming an Influencer for VTtv PLUSplus, please contact the marketing department or visit the VTtv site.

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